Week of Calvin

Window display shop drawings for Week of Calvin.


Design an LED-lit installation that could be rapidly built with a few builders and a CNC. Make all parts modular and easy to install on site.


What I learned

My brief collaboration with the STP was really stimulating as fabricator and designer. Everyday I worked right next to a crew of painters, sculptors, welders, and builders. I was fascinated by their daily work and it was easy to bounce ideas off these talented folks and incorporate their feedback directly into my drawings.

Check out other installations by Standard Transmission


1. Model basic forms in Rhino.

2. Break down into parts cut from 3/4" plywood and 1/4" plexiglass.

3. Consult with builders on stability and assembly.

4. Share drawing set and watch talented hands bring the piece to life.

1. Model basic forms in Rhino.

2. Break down into parts cut from 3/4" plywood and 1/4" plexiglass.

3. Consult with builders on stability and assembly.

4. Share drawing set and watch talented hands bring the piece to life.

lesson & insights

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